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Santa Claus 在不同國家都有不同的起源,帶禮物給小孩這個概念則是衍生自Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas 是一位於四世紀時出生在土耳其南方的主教

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Line Dance 指的是以個人為單位,許多人排成一排或數排,朝同一方向整齊的跳著編排好的舞步

這首Alley Cat 就挺適合拿來跳Line Dance

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Cracker Jack is a U.S. brand of snack consisting of strong molasses-flavored popcorn and peanuts. Cracker Jack is also famous for its connection to baseball lore.

"Take Me Out to the Ball Game", the song written by lyricist Jack Norworth and set to music by Albert Von Tilzer gave Cracker Jack free publicity when it was released in 1908 with the line "buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack!"

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The most popular recording of this song, which was recorded by Nat King Cole.


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Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town
A-riding on a pony
He stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni
Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Yankee Doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
and with the girls be handy!

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